AMST 212--Fall 2002

Updated 5/11/02



Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D.

Class SMW:  9:00-9:50 [Ramadhan—8:45-9:25]

Office Hours:  By appointment


Room No.:  S17-229

Office No.:  S17-263

PH:  (H) 729091,  (W) 449999, Ext. 5277


Selected topics, themes and issues in American history, politics and government with emphasis on their contemporary relevance.


Grading Policy:  20% for Attendance*; 20% for the Class Presentation; 20% for the Midterm Exam; 20% for the Research Paper; and 20% for the Final Exam. A Guidelines sheet will be distributed outlining the requirements for your Class Presentation and for your Research Paper.


Attendance Policy*:  Attendance in class is mandatory.  As well, you are expected to follow the syllabus and accordingly be prepared for each day's class.  This means that you must read the pre-assigned readings before class so that you will be prepared to discuss and debate in class the subject matter scheduled for that day and answer questions related to the issues being covered.  NOTE:  TURN OFF all cell phones during class.


·         Absence from class may be made up by preparing a two-page, typed (i.e. using maximum 12 point font size and maximum double-spaced text with one-inch margin on all sides), summary on the missed material scheduled to be covered the day(s) of your absence.


Required Texts:


Information USA [CD-ROM].  April 1999.  Washington, D.C.:  United States Information Agency.


Sept. 21:  Introduction to American Studies II


Sept. 23:  Critique & Discussion of the U.S. Declaration of Independence


Readings:   Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Declaration of Independence” (1776)


Sept. 25:  Critique & Discussion of the U.S. Declaration of Independence


Readings:   Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Declaration of Independence” (1776)


Sept. 28:  Assessment of the U.S. Declaration of Independence


Readings:   Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Declaration of Independence” (1776)


Sept. 30:  The Historical Context of the U.S. “American” Revolution


Readings:   Information USA [CD-ROM]:  “The Mayflower Compact” (1620); Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1737:  Preface, “Hints for those that would be Rich,” Maxims


Oct. 2:  The Historical Context of the U.S. “American” Revolution


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1742:  Preface, Maxims, “Rules of Health and long Life,” “Rules to find out a fit Measure of Meat and Drink”


Oct. 5:  The Historical Context of the U.S. “American” Revolution


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Poor Richard’s Almanack Improved, 1758:  Preface (including “The Way to Wealth”), Maxims


Oct. 7:  The Historical Context of the U.S. “American” Revolution


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Patrick Henry “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death,” March 23, 1775


Oct. 9:  [Last day for dropping courses]  U.S. Revolutionary War of Independence 1775-1783


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Thomas Paine: Common Sense, February 14, 1776


Oct. 12:  U.S. Revolutionary War of Independence 1775-1783


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Thomas Paine: Common Sense, February 14, 1776


Oct. 14:  U.S. Revolutionary War of Independence 1775-1783


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Thomas Paine: Common Sense, February 14, 1776


Oct. 16:  U.S. Revolutionary War of Independence 1775-1783


Readings:  Handout:  Articles of Confederation (1777)


Oct. 19:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Handout:  Articles of Confederation (1777)


Oct. 21:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Northwest Ordinance (1787)


Oct. 23:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Constitution of the United States of America (1787)


Oct. 26:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Constitution of the United States of America (1787)


Oct. 28:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Bill of Rights (10 of 12 proposed in September of 1789 are ratified on December 15, 1791)


Oct. 30:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  James Madison, “The Federalist No.10” (1787)


Nov. 2:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Judiciary Act of 1789


Nov. 4:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Farewell Address of President George Washington, Sept. 17, 1796


Nov. 6:  [First day of Ramadhan 1423]  Interpreting the Constitution & Formulating Democratic Values [Ramadhan Schedule—8:45-9:25]


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Marbury v. Madison (1803); McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)


Nov. 9:  Interpreting the Constitution & Formulating Democratic Values [Ramadhan Schedule—8:45-9:25]


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Thomas Jefferson—First Inaugural (1801)


Nov. 11:  Foreign Policy of the U.S.:  Hands Off the Americas! [Ramadhan Schedule—8:45-9:25]


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Monroe Doctrine (1823)


Nov. 13:  Midterm Exam [Ramadhan Schedule—8:45-9:25]


Nov. 16-20:  Mid-semester break; no classes


Nov. 23:  Hypocrisy of the Young Democratic Nation:  Genocide & the Taking of Native American Land, Enslavement of Africans, Disenfranchisement of Non-Whites, Women, and the Poor [Ramadhan Schedule—8:45-9:25]


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Black Hawk Surrender Speech (1832)


Nov. 25:  Hypocrisy of the Young Democratic Nation:  Genocide & the Taking of Native American Land, Enslavement of Africans, Disenfranchisement of Non-Whites, Women, and the Poor [Ramadhan Schedule—8:45-9:25]


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The American Anti-Slavery Society, “Declaration of Sentiments” (1833)


Nov. 27:  Character Building [Ramadhan Schedule—8:45-9:25]


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM Alexis de Tocqueville, “Democracy in America” (1835)


Nov. 30:  Character Building [Ramadhan Schedule—8:45-9:25]


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Self-Reliance” (1841)


Dec. 2:  Efforts At Reform [Ramadhan Schedule—8:45-9:25]


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Dorothea Dix, “Memorial to the Massachusetts Legislature” (1843); Horace Mann, “Report No. 12 of the Massachusetts School Board” (1848); Seneca Falls Declaration (1848)


Dec. 4:  The Breech:  Slavery & The U.S. Civil War [Ramadhan Schedule—8:45-9:25]


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Amistad Revolt: A Historical Legacy of Sierra Leone and the United States (1839-1841)


Dec. 5-7:  Eid Al-Fitr 1423—Holiday; no classes


Dec. 9:  The Breech:  Slavery & The U.S. Civil War


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Henry David Thoreau, “Civil Disobedience” (1846)


Dec. 11:  The Breech:  Slavery & The U.S. Civil War


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857);  Abraham Lincoln, “A House Divided” (1858)


Dec. 14:  The Breech:  Slavery & The U.S. Civil War


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Abraham Lincoln, “Emancipation Proclamation” (1863); Abraham Lincoln, “Gettysburg Address” (1863)


Dec. 16:  National Day of Bahrain—Holiday; no classes


Dec. 18:  Repairing the Breech:  A New Synthesis


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Morrill Act (1862)


Dec. 21:  Repairing the Breech:  A New Synthesis, But White Supremacy and Racism Linger On…


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  People’s Party Platform (1896); Introduction to the Court Opinion on the Plessy v. Ferguson Case (1896)


Dec. 23:  Repairing the Breech:  A New Synthesis


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Muller v. Oregon (1908); Theodore Roosevelt, “The New Nationalism” (1910)


Dec. 25:  Rise to World Leadership:  World War I


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Woodrow Wilson, “Fourteen Points Speech” (1918)


Dec. 28:  Rise to World Leadership:  World War II


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Address At Charlottesville, Virginia” (1940)


Dec. 30:  Human Rights:  Universal or Particular?


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Jack Donnelly, “What are Human Rights?”; March Toward Equality:  Significant Moments in the Civil Rights Movement


Jan. 1:  The U.S. Civil Rights Movement & the Legacy of White Supremacy & Racism


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Introduction to the Court Opinion on the Brown v. Board of Education Case (1954); Two Centuries of Black Leadership:  Biographical Sketches


Jan. 4:  The U.S. Civil Rights Movement & the Legacy of White Supremacy & Racism


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:  Excerpts from Statements and Speeches; “I Have A Dream” (1963)


Jan. 6:  The U.S. Civil Rights Movement & the Legacy of White Supremacy & Racism


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Civil Rights Act of 1964


Jan. 8:  The U.S. Civil Rights Movement & the Legacy of White Supremacy & Racism; Review; Last day of classes


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Timeline:  Human Rights in America


Jan.  18, 2003:  Final Exam  11:30-13:30


Jan. 23, 2003:  Last day for submitting first semester’s grades