Section 1


Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D.                                                                                                                Course Room No.:  S17-113

Class MW:  8:00-9:15                                                                                                          INTERNET:

Office Hours:  By appointment                                                                                                                          Office No.:  S17-263

VOICE:  17438775 (W)                                                                                                                                      39631156 (H)


English 112 is the second course in a set of three courses which aim to develop learners’ language proficiency.  The series is offered to the students of the Faculty of Arts as a compulsory university requirement.  It consists of ENGL 111, ENGL 112, and EnglU 203 to be taken in the sequence given.  The series starts at pre-intermediate level in the first course and continues to upper intermediate in the last course.


Course Aims:  Learners develop the language skills required to carry out a limited range of routine language tasks, performed in familiar personal, social and college contexts at pre-PET, PET and FCE levels respectively.  Learners can generally understand the main points and detail of clear standard spoken and written English, and produce simple connected texts which present facts, describe experiences and events, and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans in speech.


Core Learning Outcomes: 


By the end of the series, the students should:


·          Demonstrate understanding of a diverse range of pre-intermediate to upper intermediate texts on topics of general interest by the use of certain reading techniques;

·          Be familiar with, have developed an understanding of, and be able to produce written work at the appropriate competency levels;

·          Display speaking skills at the appropriate competency levels and apply their speaking skills to a variety of academic and general tasks and situations;

·          Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of source materials at the appropriate competency levels;

·          Develop necessary research skills;

·          Demonstrate independent learning skills.


Grading Policy:  20% for Test 1; 20% for Test 2; 10% for Participation (i.e. class attendance and completion of online assignments); 10% for the Listening Test; and 40% for the Final Exam


Test Dates:  Test 1, Monday, April 6, 2009, from 11:00-12:00, (Room To Be Announced)

                  Test 2, Monday, May 11, 2009, from 11:00-12:15, (Room To Be Announced)

                  Listening Test, Wednesday, May 27, 2009, from 11:00-11:30, (Rooms To Be Announced)

                  Final Exam, Monday, June 20, 2009, from 8:00-10:30, Hall 18


Make-up Test:  Thursday, May 30, 2009, from 11:00-12:30 (Room To Be Announced) (If you miss either Test 1 or Test 2 for a valid reason, then you may take the Make-up Test.)


Attendance Policy*:  Attendance in class is mandatory.  It is the student’s responsibility to sign the attendance sheet each day of class; failure to sign the attendance sheet—even if in attendance—will be counted as an absence.  If your unexcused absences exceed 25% of the total number of lectures of the course in this semester [25%=8 classes], you will be automatically withdrawn from the course and be given a grade of (WF) which will be counted towards your GPA.  As well, you are expected to follow the syllabus and accordingly be prepared for each day's class.  This means that you must read the pre-assigned readings before class so that you will be prepared to discuss in class the subject matter scheduled for that day and answer questions related to the issues being covered.


* Absence from class may be made up by preparing a two-page, typed (i.e. using maximum 12 point font size and maximum double-spaced text with one-inch margin on all sides), summary on the missed material scheduled to be covered the day(s) of your absence.  The summary must be in your own words and must not be copied material from the text(s), the internet, or any other source(s).  All summaries must be turned in to me by the last day of classes if you want credit for your absences.


Cell Phone Policy:  TURN OFF all cell phones during class.  Any student whose cell phone rings, sounds alarm, or makes any noise whatsoever during class must immediately leave the classroom for that day.  This policy applies to any electronic device students carry with them.


Required Texts:


Acklam, Richard & Araminta Crace.  2003.  Going for Gold:  Intermediate Coursebook.  Essex, UK:  Pearson Education Limited.


Burgess, Sally, Richard Acklam & Araminta Crace.  2003.  Going for Gold:  Intermediate Language Maximiser.  Essex, UK:  Pearson Education Limited.




Our schedule of study shall follow the outline and dates indicated below.  Read and be prepared to discuss the material covered on the days indicated below.



Week & Date


Exercises from Coursebook

Exercises from Maximiser

Week 1 & 2 :

22 Feb – 5 Mar

Unit 8:


Reading: 1-3 (p. 64-65)

Listening: 2- 4 (p.69-70)

Reading (p.58)

Grammar  1: 1-4 (p. 65-66)

Grammar 2: 1-4 (p. 70-71)

Vocabulary 1: 1-3 (p. 66)

Vocabulary 2: 1-3 (p. 71)

Writing: 1-7 (p. 68-69)

Unit 8 test: Teacher's book


Week 3 & 4:

8 – 19 Mar

Unit 9:

More than Words

Use of English: 1-3 (p. 72)

Grammar 2: 1-3 (p. 77-78)

Reading (p.65)

Grammar 1: 1-4 (p. 73)

Vocabulary 2: 1-3 (p. 78)

Vocabulary 1: 1-3 (p. 74)

Writing: 1- 6 (p. 79)

Reading: 1–3 (p. 75)

Progress Check:  (p. 80-81)

Speaking: 2–4 (p. 76)

Progress Test 3 (units 7-9): Teacher's book.

Listening 2: 1-3 (p. 77)



Week 5 & 6:

12 – 23 Mar

Unit 10:

Animal World

Reading 1: 1-2 (p. 82-83)

Vocabulary 2: 1-2 (p.86)


Vocabulary 1: 1-3 (p. 83)

Reading 2: 1- 6 (p. 86-87)

Grammar 1: 1-6 (p. 83-84)

Grammar 2: 1-3 (p. 88)

Use of English: 2-3 (p. 84-85)

Writing: 1-5 (p.88-89)

Speaking: 1-5 (p. 85)

Unit 10 test: Teacher's book

Listening: 1-4 (p. 85-86)



Week 7 & 8:

22 Mar – 2 April

Unit 11:


Reading: 1-5 (p. 90-91)

Grammar 2: 1-2 (p. 94)

Reading (p.80)

Grammar 1: 1-4 (p. 91-92)

Vocabulary 2: 1-2 (p.95)

Vocabulary 1: 1-4 (p. 92-93)

Speaking 1-2 (p. 96)

Use of English: 1-3 (p. 93)

Writing: 1-4 (p. 96-97)

Listening: 1-3 (p. 94)

Unit 11 test: Teacher's book


Week 9 & 10:

5 –  16 April


Unit 12:

Do you Remember?

Reading: 1-6 (p. 98-99)

Vocabulary 2: 1-3 (p. 102)

Reading (p.86-7)

Grammar 1: 1-6 (p. 99-100)

Speaking: 1-4 (p. 104)

Vocabulary 1: 1-3 (p. 100-1)

Writing: 1-4 (p. 105)

Use of English: 1-2 (p. 101)

Progress Check: (p. 106-7)

Listening: 2-4 (p. 102)

Progress test 4 (Units 10-12): Teacher's book

Grammar 2: 1-3 (p. 102-3)


Week 11:

19- 23 April

Mid-semester Break

Week 12 & 13:

26 April-  7 May

Unit 13:

Down under

Reading: 1-7 (p. 108-9)

Reading 2: 1 (p. 114)


Vocabulary 1: 1-3 (p. 109-10)

Listening 2: 1-3 (p.115)

Grammar 1: 1-3 (p.110-11)

Grammar 2: 1-5 (p.115-16)

Listening 1: 1 (p.111)

Writing: 1-5 (p.116-17)

Vocabulary 2: 1 (p. 111)

Unit 13 test: Teacher's book

Speaking: 1-2 (p. 112-13)



Week 14 & 15:

10 – 21 May


(11,12 & 13)

Unit 14:

Elements of nature

Reading: 1-4 (p. 118-19)

Grammar 2: 1-3 (p. 124)

Reading (p.110)

Grammar 1: 1-4 (p. 119-20)

Vocabulary 2: 1-2 (p. 124-25)

Vocabulary 1: 1-2 (p. 121)

Speaking: 1-4 (p. 125)

Writing: 1-4 (p.122)

Unit 14 test: Teacher's book

Listening 2: 1-5 (p. 123)



Week 16:

24 May – 3 June

Listening Exam

Unit 15:

The business of food

Reading: 1-4 (p. 126-27)

Vocabulary: 1-3 (p.131-132)


Grammar 1: 1-5 (p. 127-28)

Writing: 1-5 (p. 133)

Listening: 1-3 (p. 128-29)

Progress Check: (p. 134-135)

Grammar 2: 1-3 (p.129-130)

Progress test 5 (Units 13-15): Teacher's book

Use of English: 1-2 (p. 130-31)