Section 7


Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D.                                                                                                   Course Room No.:  S17-119

Class UTH:  8:00-8:50       [Ramadhan—8:20-9:00]                                       INTERNET:

Office Hours:  By appointment                                                                                                 Office No.:  S17-263

VOICE:  17438775 (W)                                                                                                                           17729091 (H)


Course Aims:  The aim of the course is to develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; to expand students’ working vocabulary and their familiarity with functions and grammatical structures.



Course Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able to:


·          Extract propositional content from speech;

·          Recognize aural contextual cues;

·          Recognize speakers’ attitudes;

·          Recognize implications in conversation;.

·          Speak for two minutes on a chosen topic;

·          Hold a conversation with the teacher using the functions learned;

·          Read and understand extensive levels of a factual nature;

·          Recognize textual structures such as sequence and argument;

·          Infer meaning from a text;

·          Recognize the attitude of the writer to his/her subject;

·          Write a composition of 150-180 words as required.


Grading Policy:  25% for Test 1; 25% for Test 2; and 50% for the Final Exam 


Test Dates:  Test 1, Monday, November 6, 2006 from 11:00-13:00 in Hall 18

                     Test 2, Monday, December 11, 2006 from 11:00-13:00 in Hall 18

                     Final Exam, Thursday, January 18, 2007, from 11:30-13:30 in Hall 18


Attendance Policy*:  Attendance in class is mandatory.  It is the student’s responsibility to sign the attendance sheet each day of class; failure to sign the attendance sheet—even if in attendance—will be counted as an absence.  If your unexcused absences exceed 25% of the total number of lectures of the course in this semester [25%=12 classes], you will be automatically withdrawn from the course and be given a grade of (WF) which will be counted towards your GPA.  As well, you are expected to follow the syllabus and accordingly be prepared for each day's class.  This means that you must read the pre-assigned readings before class so that you will be prepared to discuss in class the subject matter scheduled for that day and answer questions related to the issues being covered.


Cell Phone Policy:  TURN OFF all cell phones during class.  Any student whose cell phone rings, sounds alarm, or makes any noise whatsoever during class must immediately leave the classroom for that day.  This policy applies to any electronic device students carry with them.


* Absence from class may be made up by preparing a two-page, typed (i.e. using maximum 12 point font size and maximum double-spaced text with one-inch margin on all sides), summary on the missed material scheduled to be covered the day(s) of your absence.  The summary must be in your own words and must not be copied material from the text(s), the internet, or any other source(s).  Times New Roman font is strongly recommended; however, if you use an alternative style, make sure your font does not resemble italic or bold text.  Also, Comic Sans MS font is not allowed. 


Required Text:


O'Neill, Robert, Michael Duckworth & Kathy Gude.  1997/2008.  New Success at First Certificate.  Oxford, UK:  Oxford University Press.


Duckworth, Michael & Kathy Gude.  1997/2004.  New Success at First Certificate WORKBOOK.  Oxford, UK:  Oxford University Press.