Aspects of American History and Government

AMST 212—SPRING 2007



Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D.                                                                                                   Course Room No.:  S17-229

Class UTH:  9:00-9:50                                                                                       INTERNET:

Office Hours:  By appointment                                                                                                Office No.:  S17-263

VOICE:  17438775 (W)                                                                                                                           17729091 (H)


Selected topics, themes and issues in American history, politics and government with emphasis on their contemporary relevance.


Grading Policy:  20% for Attendance*; 20% for the Class Presentation; 20% for the Midterm Exam; 20% for the Research Paper; and 20% for the Final Exam. A Guidelines sheet will be distributed outlining the requirements for your Class Presentation and for your Research Paper.


Grading Scale:  93-100=A; 90-92=A-; 88-89=B+; 83-87=B; 80-82=B-; 78-79=C+; 73-77=C; 70-72=C-; 68-69=D+; 63-67=D; 60-62=D-; 0-59=F


Attendance Policy*:  Attendance in class is mandatory.  It is the student’s responsibility to sign the attendance sheet each day of class; failure to sign the attendance sheet—even if in attendance—will be counted as an absence.  If your unexcused absences exceed 25% of the total number of lectures of the course in this semester, you will be automatically withdrawn from the course and be given a grade of (WF) which will be counted towards your GPA.  As well, you are expected to follow the syllabus and accordingly be prepared for each day's class.  This means that you must read the pre-assigned readings before class so that you will be prepared to discuss and debate in class the subject matter scheduled for that day and answer questions related to the issues being covered.


*Absence from class may be made up by preparing a two-page, typed (i.e. using maximum 12 point font size and maximum double-spaced text with one-inch margin on all sides), summary on the missed material scheduled to be covered the day(s) of your absence.  The summary must be in your own words and must not be copied material from the text(s), the internet, or any other source(s).


Cell Phone Policy:  TURN OFF all cell phones during class.  Any student whose cell phone rings, sounds alarm, or makes any noise whatsoever during class must immediately leave the classroom for that day.  This policy applies to any electronic device students carry with them.


Required Texts:


InfoUSA:  Information USA [CD-ROM].  1999 or 2002 edition.  Washington, D.C.:  U.S. Department of State, Office of International Information Programs.  [Supplied by professor if in stock.]


NOTE:  All class readings from InfoUSA are also available online and can be printed from the AMST 212 class webpage:   []




Feb. 25:  Introduction to American Studies II


Feb. 27:  Critique & Discussion of the U.S. Declaration of Independence


Film:  Freedom:  A History of US, PBS Video, Episode 1, “Independence” (30 minutes)

Readings:   Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Declaration of Independence (1776)



Mar. 1:  Critique & Discussion of the U.S. Declaration of Independence


Film:  Freedom:  A History of US, PBS Video, Episode 2, “Revolution” (30 minutes)

Readings:   Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Declaration of Independence (1776)


Mar. 4:  The Historical Context of the U.S. “American” Revolution


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Patrick Henry “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death,” March 23, 1775


Mar. 6:  U.S. Revolutionary War of Independence 1775-1783


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Thomas Paine: Common Sense, February 14, 1776


Mar. 8:  [Last day for dropping courses]


Mar. 8:  Equality of States


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Northwest Ordinance (1787)


Mar. 11-May 3:  Withdrawal Period with (W)


Mar. 11:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Constitution of the United States of America (1787)


Mar. 13:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Bill of Rights (10 of 12 proposed in September of 1789 are ratified on December 15, 1791)


Mar. 15:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  James Madison, “The Federalist No. 10” (1787)


Mar.18:  Constructing A Union


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Farewell Address of President George Washington, Sept. 17, 1796


Mar. 20:  Liberty & Freedom


Film:  Freedom:  A History of US, PBS Video, Episode 3, “Liberty For All?” (30 minutes)


Mar. 22:  Liberty & Freedom


Film:  Freedom:  A History of US, PBS Video, Episode 4, “Wake Up, America” (30 minutes)


Mar. 25:  Interpreting the Constitution & Formulating Democratic Values


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Marbury v. Madison (1803); McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)


Mar. 27:  Interpreting the Constitution & Formulating Democratic Values


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Thomas Jefferson—First Inaugural (1801)


Mar. 29:  Foreign Policy of the U.S.:  Hands Off the Americas!


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Monroe Doctrine (1823)


Mar.  31:  Prophet’s Birthday Holiday




Apr. 1:  Hypocrisy of the Young Democratic Nation:  Genocide & the Taking of Native American Land


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Black Hawk Surrender Speech (1832)


Apr. 3:  Hypocrisy of the Young Democratic Nation:  Enslavement of Africans


Film:  Freedom:  A History of US, PBS Video, Episode 5, “A Fatal Contradiction” (30 minutes)

Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The American Anti-Slavery Society, “Declaration of Sentiments” (1833)


Apr. 5:  Disenfranchisement of Non-Whites, Women, and the Poor


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Seneca Falls Declaration (1848)


Apr. 8:  Character Building


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Alexis de Tocqueville, “Democracy in America” (1835)


Apr. 10:  The Building of Character


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Self-Reliance” (1841)


Apr. 12:  The Breech:  Slavery & The U.S. Civil War


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Henry David Thoreau, “Civil Disobedience” (1846); Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)


Apr. 15:  Bahrain Grand Prix (Possible Holiday) Otherwise In-Class Presentation Day


Apr. 17:  The Breech:  Slavery & The U.S. Civil War


Film:  Freedom:  A History of US, PBS Video, Episode 6, “A War to End Slavery” (30 minutes)

Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Abraham Lincoln, “A House Divided” (1858); Abraham Lincoln, “Emancipation Proclamation” (1863); Abraham Lincoln, “Gettysburg Address” (1863)


Apr. 19:  Midterm Exam


Apr. 22-26:  Mid-semester Break [No classes]


Apr. 29:  Congress:  The Peoples House


Film:  The Congress, Part I, VHS (45 minutes/90 total)


May 1:  International Labor Day [Holiday—No Classes]


May 3:  The Supremacy of Elected Civilian Leadership


Film:  The Congress, Part II, VHS (45 minutes/90 total)


May 6:  Establishment of Public Colleges


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Morrill Act (1862)


May 8:  Establishment of the Federal Civil Service


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  The Pendleton Act (1883)


May 10:  Federalism


Film:  The Constitution—That Delicate Balance:  Federalism—Government vs. the State, VHS (57:38 minutes)



May 13:  Segregation Legalized & The Legal Fight Against Segregation & the Abolition of Segregation in the Armed Forces


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Plessy v. Ferguson (1896); Harry S. Truman, Executive 9981 (1948); Brown v. Board of Education (1954)


May 15:  The Civil Rights Movement:  From Protest to Legislation


Film:  Let Freedom Ring, Episode 13, VHS

Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “I Have a Dream” (1963); Civil Rights Act (1964)


May 17:  A New Declaration of Liberty for Immigrants


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Emma Lazarus, "The New Colossus" (1883)


May 20:  Immigration Policy


Film:  The Constitution, That Delicate Balance:  Immigration, VHS (60 minutes)

Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886); Korematsu v. United States (1944)


May 22:  Freedom of Expression:  “Clear and Present Danger”


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Abrams v. United States (1919); Whitney v. California (1927)


May 24:  Freedom of the Press & Against Prior Restraint


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Near v. Minnesota (1931); New York Times Co. v. United States (1971)


May 27:  The Media and Foreign Policy [Research Papers Due]


Film:  The Constitution, That Delicate Balance:  National Security and Freedom of the Press, VHS (60 minutes)


May 29:  Reapportionment Reform:  “One Person, One Vote” Rule Established


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Reynolds v. Sims (1964)


May 31:  Pathway Towards Women’s Rights


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  Bradwell v. Illinois (1873)


June 3:  Women Organize to Demand Their Rights [Last Day for In-Class Presentations]


Film:  Let Freedom Ring, Episode 14, VHS

Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  NOW Statement of Purpose (1966)


June 5:  Executive Privilege


Readings:  Information USA [CD-ROM]:  United States v. Nixon (1974)


June 7:  Vietnam & the Hubris of Empire


Film:  Vietnam:  A Television History, VHS-7


June 10:  Last day of class; Review


June 13:  Final Exam 11:30-13:30


June 26:  Last day for submitting grades