AMST 225—Spring 2003


Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D.

Class UT:  13:00-14:15

Office Hours:  By appointment

VOICE:  449999, Ext. 5277 (W)


Course Room No.:  S17-229


Office No.:  S17-263

729091 (H)


A survey of the physical, political and cultural geography of the United States


Grading Policy:  20% for Attendance*; 20% for the Class Presentation; 20% for the Midterm Exam; 20% for the Research Paper; and 20% for the Final Exam. A Guidelines sheet will be distributed outlining the requirements for your Class Presentation and for your Research Paper.


Attendance Policy*:  Attendance in class is mandatory.  As well, you are expected to follow the syllabus and accordingly be prepared for each day’s class.  This means that you must read the pre-assigned readings before class so that you will be prepared to discuss and debate in class the subject matter scheduled for that day and answer questions related to the issues being covered.  NOTE:  TURN OFF all cell phones during class.


·         Absence from class may be made up by preparing a two-page, typed (i.e. using maximum 12 point font size and maximum double-spaced text with one-inch margin on all sides), summary on the missed material scheduled to be covered the day(s) of your absence.


Required Texts:


Birdsall, Stephen S. and John Florin.  1992.  Outline of American Geography:  Regional Landscapes of the United States.  Washington, D.C.:  United States Information Agency.


Information USA [CD-ROM].  April 1999.  Washington, D.C.:  United States Information Agency.


Feb. 16:  Introduction to American Geography:  What is geography?  What is its utility?


Feb. 18:  Themes and Regions


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 1,  [Introduction], “Basic Themes:  Urbanization,” “Basic Themes:  Industrialization,” “Basic Themes:  High Mobility,” “Basic Themes:  Resources,” “Basic Themes:  High Income and High Consumption,” “Basic Themes:  Environmental Impact,” “Basic Themes:  Political Complexity,” “Basic Themes:  Cultural Origins,” “Regions”


Feb. 23:  The Physical Environment


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 2, [Introduction], “Climate,” “Vegetation,” “Soils,” “Mineral Resources”


Feb. 25:  Foundations of Human Activity


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 3, [Introduction], “Settlement Patterns,” “Urbanization,” “Patterns of Regional Culture”



Mar. 2:  Megalopolis


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 4, [Introduction], “The Location of Megalopolis”


Mar. 4:  [Al-Hijra New Year Holiday 1424]


Mar. 9:  Megalopolis


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 4, “The Urban Environment,” “Changing Patterns in Megalopolis”


Mar. 11:  The Manufacturing Core


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 5, [Introduction], “Mineral Resources”


Mar. 12-13:  [Ashura Holiday]


Mar. 16:  The Manufacturing Core


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 5, “Cities in the Region”


Mar. 18:  The Bypassed East


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 6, [Introduction], “The Physical Environment,” “Population and Industry”


Mar. 23:  The Bypassed East


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 6, “Cities and Urban Activities”


Mar. 25:  Appalachia and the Ozarks


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 7, [Introduction], “A Varied Topography,” “The Appalachian People”


Mar. 30:  Appalachia and the Ozarks


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 7, “Economic and Settlement Patterns,” “Regional Development Programs”


Apr. 1:  The Deep South


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 8, “The Heritage,” “The Consequences,” “The Onset of Change”


Apr. 6:  The Southern Coastlands


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 9, [Introduction], “The Subtropical Environment,” “On the Margin of the Continent:  Trade,” “Industrial Development”


Apr. 8:  Midterm Exam


Apr. 12-16:  [Mid-Semester Break]


Apr. 13:  The Agricultural Core


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 10, [Introduction], “The Environmental Base,” “The Agricultural Response”


Apr. 15:  The Agricultural Core


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 10, “A Picture Portfolio of the United States,” “Changes in the Patterns”


Apr. 20:  The Great Plains and Prairies


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 11, [Introduction], “The Plains Environment,” “Settlement Patterns”


Apr. 22:  The Great Plains and Prairies


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 11, “Plains Agriculture,” “Water Control and Irrigation,” “Natural Resources,” “Population Patterns”


Apr. 27:  The Empty Interior


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 12, [Introduction], “A Difficult Environment,” “The Human Imprint”


Apr. 29:  The Empty Interior


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 12, “Dispersed Economic Structure:  Irrigation and Agriculture,” “Dispersed Economic Structure:  Transportation Services,” “Dispersed Economic Structure:  Tourism,” “Dispersed Economic Structure:  Lumbering and Ranching,” “Dispersed Economic Structure:  Mining”


May 4:  The Southwest Border Area


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 13, [Introduction], “Ethnic Diversity”


May 6:  The Southwest Border Area


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 13, “Population Growth Today,” “Persistence of a Plural Society”


May 11:  California


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 14, [Introduction], “The Physical Environment,” “California’s Growth”


May 13:  California


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 14, “Agriculture Today,” “Urban California”


May 14:  [Prophet’s Birthday Holiday]


May 18:  The North Pacific Coast


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 15, [Introduction], “The Physical Environment,” “Patterns of Human Occupation,” “The Regional Economy”


May 20:  The North Pacific Coast


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 15, “Alaska—A Political Island”


May 25:  The Northlands


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 16, [Introduction], “A Harsh Environment”


May 27:  The Northlands


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 16, “Human Occupation”


June 1:  Hawaii


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 17, [Introduction], “Location and Physical Setting,” “Populating the Islands


June 3:  Hawaii


Readings:  Birdsall and Florin, Ch. 17, “The Hawaiian Economy,” “Inter-Island Diversity”


June 4:  Last day of classes; Review


June 9:  Final Exam  11:30-13:30


June 19:  Last day for submitting second semester’s grades